We Can Help You Overcome Your Addiction Today!

Our advanced approach to addiction treatment and drug treatment empowers individuals on the path to recovery. Preparing People For Success offers Day Care Habilitative (DCH), Outpatient Drug Free Pernatal (ODFP), Outpatient Drug Free Regular (ODFR), and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) individualized treatment services. At Preparing People For Success, we understand addiction. Our fully trained staff will guide patients and family to the goal of complete rehabilitation.

Top of the line medical care, combined with wellness programs and holistic addiction treatments (such as yoga and meditation), means we are dedicated to healing the whole self. We provide affordable luxury and recovery in a setting where lasting health and peace of mind are the goals. If you are looking for the best alcohol and drug rehab programs or facilities we can help you find the right resources.

Our mission is to show men, women, and their families the way out of the debilitating and deadly cycle of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Preparing People For Success will provide affordable treatment, evidence-based practices with a social model orientation. Our goal is to bring about the transformational change necessary to restore a sense of well-being and hope for a promising and productive future WITH SUCCESS.

We provide effective and quality non-residential treatment services to adolescents (12-20 years of age) and adult (18 and over) within the greater Sacramento region.